Saturday, December 20, 2008

The End is the Beginning

It takes a time for me to feel easy and comfortable with others I don't know. I want to ask questions and get a "feel" for them. Our ten days of yoga teacher training is coming to an end today and yet it feels like the beginning. We've been peeling off layers each day - sharing ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. I've settled into a warm and fuzzy feeling with these women and I will miss our sacred time together. A long time ago I used to think allowing myself to be vulnerable was a weakness. Now I find it to be a great strength. If we give each other permission to be vulnerable than we can be wholly human. And we can meet each other in that space of authenticity.

I will miss our time together but I know we will have more time to come. There are more classes to take and workshops. There is more loving, opening, ripening, giving, receiving and learning for me. This is Ojai and we're all in this together.


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